Surakarta – Kreasi Muda Indonesia, a company known for its expertise in crafting premium trophies and plaques, has once again gained the trust of Kimia Farma to produce special award trophies. These awards were presented to branches that are part of Kimia Farma Trading & Distribution’s partners across Indonesia, based on the best performance in […]
Surakarta- The Directorate General of Financing and Risk Management or DJPPR gave an award to the Head of the Information Services Subdivision. Mr. Hadi Surono as Head of Information Services Subdivision was named as a tough and resilient leader. DJPPR Prepares Plaque with the Best Design with Kreasi Muda Indonesia DJPPR handed over the award […]
Surakarta – Kreasi Muda Indonesia also celebrated the 40th anniversary of Dirgantara Indonesia by providing award plaques. Dirgantara Indonesia celebrated its 40th anniversary on August 23 2022 at the PKSN PTDI Building, Bandung, West Java by holding several events ranging from fun walks, and open houses, to housekeeping contests. Apart from holding several events, Dirgantara […]
Surakarta- Every year, PT Pamapersada Nusantara holds a routine award event specifically for the categories of Exemplary Operator and Best Commander. This awarding aims to provide motivation in terms of improving employee performance. One of the categories is Pamapersada Best Commander. As a symbol of the exemplary operator and best commander, PT Pamapersada Nusantara presents […]