Our collection of stories at Kreasi Muda Indonesia
Kumpulan Cerita Kami di Kreasi Muda Indonesia
As a manufacturing company, Kreasi Muda Indonesia is always developing to be better, especially in empowering all employees. Through #LifeAtKMI Kreasi Muda Indonesia has the hope of getting closer to the whole team so as to produce synergies to innovate even better.
Our Team, Our Talent & Our Power
Our Team, Our Talent & Our Power
Kreasi Muda Indonesia consists of employees with diverse backgrounds and experiences. But we share the same goal of creating extraordinary products that are more innovative through extraordinary technology.
The Core of Our Daily Life!
We pay attention to the efforts of self-development, motivation, and productivity of the Kreasi Muda Indonesia team with various exciting activities. Tips for daily variety!
Tim dukungan pelanggan kami siap menjawab pertanyaan Anda. Tanya kami apa saja!