Tunjuk Kreasi Muda Indonesia, Cara Adira Finance Pererat Hubungan dengan Mitra

Adira Award Plaque for Strengthening Relationships with Partners

Surakarta – Adira Finance appointed Kreasi Muda Indonesia to provide Adira award plaque for Adira Finance’s Mokas Priority partners in 2022 at Pura Mangkunegaran, Surakarta. Adira’s award plaque provided by Kreasi Muda Indonesia includes two award categories, namely, Best Sales 2022 and Best Social Media Promotion 2022.

In fact, Adira Finance has provided a platform for its partners with the Adira Mokas (used motorbike) Community, which was founded in 2010, as a means of communication between both mokas dealers and mokas dealers with Adira Finance.

Throughout its journey, Adira Finance maintains good relations with used motorbike dealer entrepreneurs. Adira Finance also created the Mokas Priority program, as a form of appreciation for mokas business players.

Kreasi Muda Indonesia provides award plaques in the form of Wooden Frame that have been customized according to Adira Finance’s needs. Kreasi Muda Indonesia appreciates Adira Finance for entrusting the need for award plaques to Kreasi Muda Indonesia.

Apart from the Wooden Frame plaque variant, Kreasi Muda Indonesia also has other plaque variants. Some of them are:

  1. Wooden Wings
  2. Wooden Shield
  3. Asymmetric Wooden
  4. Wooden Teak Batik
  5. Wooden Tube Figure, and many more.

Plaques from Kreasi Muda Indonesia can be used for various event needs, ranging from national seminars, awards events, company gatherings, work visits, graduations, and many more.

Wooden Frame Adira FInance

About Kreasi Muda Indonesia

Kreasi Muda Indonesia is a solution to the needs of plaques, trophies, and medals with unique designs and premium quality.

Plaques, trophies, and medals from Kreasi Muda Indonesia are made using the best materials such as teak wood, stainless steel, and acrylic. These materials are premium products because they are processed using the latest machines such as laser cutting machines, laser engraving, laser marking, wood CNC, and many more.

The Premium Plaque

You can click here for a product catalog of plaques, trophies, and medals from Kreasi Muda Indonesia.

Immediately fulfill your needs for plaques, trophies, and medals with Kreasi Muda Indonesia and get the best offer by consulting via WhatsApp at 0813-1077-6156.

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