Tingkatkan Produktivitas Perkebunan, Kementan Gandeng Kreasi Muda Gelar BUNEX 2024

Increasing Plantation Productivity, Ministry of Agriculture Collaborates with Kreasi Muda to Provide BUNEX Plaque

Kementerian Pertanian Direktorat Jenderal Perkebunan

Surakarta – Kreasi Muda Indonesia was appointed as the Bunex plaque provider for the Indonesian Plantation Expo (Bunex) event from the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan). The Ministry of Agriculture will again hold the BUNEX 2024 event on 12 – 14 September 2024 at ICE BSD City, Tangerang. This event took place thanks to the support of the Palm Oil Plantation Fund Management Agency (BPDPKS).

With the theme Sustainable Plantation for Food & Energy Security Toward Golden Indonesia 2045, this event aims to be a forum for consultation and assistance for farmers and plantation business actors so that it can provide innovative and educational solutions for participants in an effort to increase productivity and maintain the sustainability of plantations in Indonesia.

About Kreasi Muda Indonesia

Kreasi Muda Indonesia was present as a plaque vendor for the BUNEX 2024 Event by providing more than 50 plaques. Kreasi Muda Indonesia really appreciates the Ministry of Agriculture as the organizer for entrusting Kreasi Muda Indonesia to participate in making BUNEX 2024 a success.

The product chosen is Wooden Tube Figure. The Wooden Tube Figure was chosen because this product is the best selling product at Kreasi Muda Indonesia and has been used in various agencies in Indonesia.

Kreasi Muda Indonesia is a solution to the needs of plaques, trophies and medals with unique designs and premium quality.

Plaques, trophies and medals from Kreasi Muda Indonesia are made using the best materials such as teak wood, stainless steel and acrylic. These materials are premium products because they are processed using the latest machines such as laser cutting machines, laser engraving, laser marking, wood CNC and many more.

You can click here for a product catalog of plaques, trophies and medals from Kreasi Muda Indonesia.

Immediately fulfill your needs for plaques, trophies and medals with Kreasi Muda Indonesia and get the best offer by consulting via WhatsApp 0813-1077-6156.

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